Герб Николаевская область
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Mykolaiv oblast located in the southern part of Ukraine, the southern boundary of the Mykolaiv region runs along the Black Sea coast. Two major navigable rivers flow on the territory of Mykolaiv oblast - Ingul and Southern Bug, there are two seaports in region - Nikolaev and Ochakov. Economy of Mykolaiv region includes metalworking, machine-building industry, shipbuilding, food processing industry. In the Mykolaiv region agriculture is well developed with the crop as dominant. Sunflower, vegetables, melons and gourds grow in the Mykolaiv oblast. There are numerous nature reserves and natural landscape parks on the territory of Nikolaev region. Among the most interesting - the Olvia historical and archaeological reserve which include the Greek colonies of the ancient period - Olbia and Borisfen on its territory.